Ordinarily, editor and copyeditor changes are made to the file at the production site. (If the author opts to make all file changes, it should be so indicated in the cover letter that accompanies the manuscript. Please contact the authors of this guide for procedural details.)

When/if a manuscript is accepted for publication, the manuscript and the compuscript file will be forwarded to production. Standard procedures for production will be in effect, and the author will receive the correspondence associated with routine manuscript publication. The manuscript will be returned to the author with the galleys. The manuscript will be thoroughly marked to indicate where file changes were needed, and the author will be responsible for thorough proofreading of galleys.

Although the author has assumed the keyboarding responsibility and the proofreading responsibility, the production staff will still perform a complete proofreading of the article and will insert necessary changes. Requested tabular additions also will be inserted. Page proofs therefore should be carefully checked. Return the marked manuscript and the proofed galley to the address indicated on the galley and the necessary corrections will be handled by the production staff.